Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sweet and Crispy Turon

Turon is a Filipino snack (we call it "merienda") that is basically a banana (the saba variety in the Philippines is most commonly used) wrap in egg roll wrapper and then fry in oil to cook. For added flavor, the banana is rolled in sugar (preferably the brown one)and strips of langka is also added before being wrapped.

Today, I am craving for one so I headed to my local Oriental store, (luckily for me, I am only 3 minute drive away) and bought the necessary ingredients. When I got home, I asked my youngest daughter, Bea,(she's 8) to help me out in prepping. She always love to help me in whatever household chores I'm doing, she even volunteers most of the time...

Anyway, turon is part of my childhood days....I remember eating a lot of it when I was still in elementary grade because it was a cheap merienda to start with. There is a store in front of our school that sells the crispiest and sweetest turon ever...I can still remember the sound of the crunch the first time you bite it...that's what I hoped to accomplished today and I think I did not fail...

Crunchy and Sweet Turon with Carmelized Sugar....mmmmm, just the way I like it.

How to Cook Turon - Personal Tips I Like to Share

1. Use non stick pan as much as possible to prevent it from sticking.

2. Set your stove to low, but make sure that its hot enough when you put the wrapped banana.

3. Add sugar to the oil at once for it to start caramelizing.

4. Keep flipping your wrapped banana to prevent it from burning.

5. Use the biggest pan you can get to fit the whole batch, as the next ones might have burnt sugar in them already.

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