Saturday, February 26, 2011

Penne With Sausage and Artichokes

I feel like eating pasta today since I have a lot of boxed penne in my pantry. Every time I go to the grocery, I always add pasta to my cart because I always thought I don't have it anymore, only to find out when I get home that I still have some left. That keeps happening and the boxes keep piling up, now I have six of them....

I have spicy sausage in my freezer and frozen artichokes plus crimini mushroom that I got yesterday from 99 cents store. Those ingredients look like the perfect combination for me.

So I boiled water for my penne and started to heat another pan to cook my sausage first. I just cut them in thin slices and then add olive oil to the pan to cook. Next goes in the mushroom so the flavors will be absorb by the olive oil. I have to cook the asparagus separately in a microwave.

After the pasta is cooked, add it to the pan with the sausage, olive oil and mushroom. Remove from heat, add the cooked artichokes last and mix everything. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Voila! Simple yet comforting dinner in less than 30 minutes.